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First Time Experience Page 6
First Time Experience Read online
Page 6
“I’m not saying it doesn’t, I just – “
“River, I really don’t have time to talk right now. I’ve gotta go. I’ll come back and you can put me through my paces all you like, but right now I have somewhere I need to be.”
And with that Max turned away from River and all but ran down the steps and into the tunnels.
Her memory still relatively fresh from their journey through them that morning, she found her way through the tunnels to the set of steps near Belltown that River had pointed out to her. She could already hear the rumbling of the city pressing in on her ear drums but she pushed it away. Hayden was all that mattered and nothing could break that.
Chapter 7
It was a normal looking house from the outside. Normal four walls, normal front door, normal garden and windows and fences. But Max could hear her father’s shouting from the bottom of the garden path.
She raced up it without pause, throwing open the front door. It seemed that her father was still in the kitchen towards the back of the house, so she immediately ran to the cupboard just inside the front door and tapped on it.
“Hayden? It’s me. I’m here.”
She heard shuffling inside and a small click as the door was unlocked. It swung outwards with a slight creak to reveal her brother, sandy haired and pale skinned, looking equal parts terrified and relieved.
“He hasn’t stopped.” He said. “Just constant shouting and smashing. I don’t know what he’s doing but he – he won’t stop.”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Max pulled him into a hug. “I’m here now.”
“You got here fast.” He mumbled into her shoulder.
“Yeah, well, I ran most of the way.” She pulled back and looked him in the eye. “Listen, I want you to go pack a couple bags. School stuff, clothes, whatever else you want. You’re moving in with me.”
“But… you said you couldn’t afford it?”
“We’ll figure it out. I’m not having you around this bullshit. Now, go. Pack.”
She pushed him towards the stairs. He hesitated as a loud crash echoed from the back of the house but she gestured for him to get moving and he did. His footsteps pounded against the steps and landing above and for the first time since she’d entered the house, the shouting paused.
The gruff shout sent chills down her spine. How dare he say her brother’s name like that.
“It’s me!” she shouted back. Her hands curled into fists. She could smell him and the alcohol that clung to his breath and pores and clothes. He stank. It brought bile to the back of her nose and an intense wave of prickling heat jolted across her skin. She could hear his heavy, lumbering steps as he made his way towards the front of the house and there was some deep, primal urge to just run at him and ruin him; unleash every awful thing he’d ever done to them back at him. But she held back. She had to keep control. For Hayden. For Hayden. She played those words over and over again in her mind. Even as her father swayed into view at the other end of the corridor.
“What the fuck are you doing in my house?”
His voice sounded like thick, black tar. It weighed so heavily in the air between them. It made her jaw clench and she had to hold back the snarl that was threatening to rumble from her throat.
“Hayden’s coming to live with me.”
He just laughed. The words left her mouth and he barked out a loud, booming, cruel laugh. Spittle lined his lips and she could see every one of his yellowing, crooked teeth.
“No, he’s not. He’s not going anywhere.” He said, then turning to shout up the stairs. “You hear that you little fuck? You’re not going anywhere.”
“Yes, you are!” Max shouted up. “Keep packing.”
“Packing?” The laughter immediately left his face and was replaced with pure anger. He lunged forward and made to head up the stairs, but Max beat him to it and stood barring his way. She was a full head shorter than him but she glared up at him with all the ferocity of the wolf that begged to be set loose from within her.
“You’re gonna let him leave.” She growled. “If you do one good thing in your life, it’s gonna be this. Let him leave.”
“You better get out of my way before I give you a smack.”
“You can’t hurt me anymore, dad.”
He raised a fist threateningly towards her face.
“You wanna bet?”
Max could feel that skin-ripping feeling beginning at the nape of her neck. Being so close to him, smelling him, hearing him, it shook her, and every instinct she had to fight was screaming at her. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could maintain control. But she had to. For Hayden. For Hayden. For Hayden.
“Walk away, dad.” She said through gritted teeth. “Back off and let him leave and that’ll be it.”
“He’s my son.” He growled in her face. “He’s not going anywhere.”
“Get away from me.” She spat back.
He grabbed her by the jaw then and pulled her in even closer.
“Don’t you talk to me like that you ungrateful bitch.”
And that was it. Max snapped. A full and loud snarl erupted from the back of her throat and she lashed out with a fist. He let go with a yelp of pain and fell back, clutching the side of his head. She advanced on him.
All she could see was red. Pure, blinding crimson and him, on the floor, watching her stalk towards him with utter hatred in his eyes. It was all she could focus on. The ripping feeling stopped but the rage remained. She wasn’t transforming; she was too focused. But she was going to kill him.
“You’re gonna pay for that, kid.” He said to her, attempting to get back to his feet. She reeled back her foot and stomped on one of his knees. Hard. He howled in pain and collapsed back down. The sound only fuelled the rage in her mind. She curled her hand into a fist and pulled back. She was aiming for his chest. He wasn’t even aware, still whimpering over his knee, and she smiled. She was just about to bring her fist down when, suddenly, a pair of hands, equally as strong as hers, gripped her arm and held it firmly in place. She whipped around, snarling, only to stop dead when she saw River’s face swimming through the haze of red.
“Max!” she shouted. It was muted by her rage but it cut through. The red began to fade. She glanced at her fist then down at her dad and back at River, before stumbling back toward the staircase. Behind her then she heard Hayden’s footsteps coming down the stairs towards her and, nearby, the unmistakable sounds of police sirens.
Max was panting and clutching the still clenched fist close to her chest. She was staring down at her father who was cursing and spitting as he clutched his ruined knee. She could have killed him. She looked back up at River who was watching her carefully. Max nodded and mouthed a thank you, just as two uniformed officers came to the open door.
Chapter 8
Two days later
“You know, I wasn’t actually sure you’d come back.”
Max smiled and River returned it. They were stood in one of the bunk rooms in the abandoned warehouse that River had taken her to. Except this room was much smaller than the others and only had one bed. It also had a small, battered desk and chair, and a set of drawers which were almost over-flowing with clothes.
River was sat on the bed, a half-read book lying now forgotten by her feet as she looked up at Max expectantly. Max crossed the threshold into the room and reached into the bag that was slung over her shoulder. She pulled out the clothes that River had lent her.
“I thought you might want these back.” She said, setting them down on the bed. River watched her and smiled again but there was a hint of disappointment in the way her eyes dimmed a little. Max quickly continued. “Also, I wanted to say thank you. Properly. We didn’t really get the chance after… everything.”
“Oh,” River pulled her knees up to her chest, “you don’t need to thank me, Max.”
“No, I do actually. I, uh, I could have killed him. I wanted to. Every single part of me wanted to but… t
hat would have meant I was like him. That I was cruel and violent and I never want to be that person. You stopped me becoming my father and I’m – well, I’m really grateful.”
“Max, I don’t think you could ever be like him. He was trying to hurt you and Hayden, that was just your pack instincts kicking in. If you can’t run, fight and protect.”
Max shook her head. “Regardless, I’m glad you stopped me. I had no idea you’d followed but I am really glad you did.”
River smiled and nodded. “I’m glad I did too.”
“Hayden is asking all kinds of questions about you by the way.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. He thinks your hair is really cool.”
“How’s he settling in?”
“Good. He eats so much which is difficult but we’ll make it work. I don’t know what’s happening with dad but I do know he has no idea where I live so, Hayden and I should at least be safe from him. Now I’ve just gotta pay bills.”
“Well, if you ever need some help you know where to find me.”
Max nodded and glanced down at her feet, suddenly feeling awkward.
“Actually,” she said, “I was wondering if you might do something for me.”
“Go on.”
Max looked up and chewed on her lip for a moment as she locked eyes with River.
“Forgive me?” She said, sheepishly. “For how I acted after Hayden called me.”
“Oh.” River seemed genuinely surprised. “You’re forgiven. I mean it felt pretty shitty given what had been happening up until then but I understand. You don’t deal with fear well.”
Max blushed. “No, I really don’t. Guess I need more training.”
“See, I tried to tell you.” River smirked. “You know, the offer still stands for me to help you out with that.”
“The training?” Max smiled. River nodded and got to her feet, stepping closer. “As in, throwing rocks at my head or…?”
River wrapped her hand around the back of Max’s head and tangled her fingers in her hair.
“I thought we established the rock throwing didn’t work?” She whispered. Max grinned for a moment before River kissed her, hot and firm.
Within minutes they had picked up where they had left off just a few days before. Clothes lay quickly forgotten, discarded to the floor. The door was closed and Max left her phone in her bag. When she turned back to River, who was stood, barely clothed, by the desk, she had to pause just to admire the whirlwind her life had become in just a few days. It was almost more than she could bear. Almost. But she smiled and strode across the room towards River. She kissed her and lifted her up so she was sat on the desk. River had been right. There was room in her life for this. Regardless, she would make room. Because kissing River was like lightning and she didn’t want what brief chances she’d had to be it.
Max savoured each moment. Each second she spent with her lips on Rivers, or tracing the lines of her ribs with her fingertips, or lightly dragging her teeth over hip bones and thighs, was locked away in a place that Max could never lose them. There was no fear there. Not anymore. Only the sheer desire to taste more, touch more. Which she did.
She wrapped River’s legs around her waist and lifted her from the bed, carrying her steadily toward the bed made of blanket piles and pillows. Max lay her down gently and settled between her legs, similar to how she had down the other day. And then she began kissing, slowly, up the insides of River’s thighs. And River laughed shakily between breaths.
“This again?” She said.
“I like taking my time.” Max mumbled against her skin. “I want to make sure I don’t rush this.”
A low, guttural sound came from the back of River’s throat.
“If you don’t hurry up, I – ah!”
Max kissed right between River’s thighs and smirked at the gasp she got in response.
“You’ll what?”
“Nothing. Please – please keep going.”
Max smiled one last time, enjoying the way River’s hips twitched beneath her. River was beautiful to watch and Max reached up to take one of her hands and lace their fingers together tightly before going back to what she was doing, this time guiding the tip of her tongue.
She heard every gasp and moan and printed them onto her memory. River’s hips rocked against her and the hand that held her own gripped tightly. River’s brow twitched and furrowed and her eyes went from closed to watchful and back again. But the thing Max would remember most, was the way her name sounded in River’s mouth. Her senses were completely filled with everything to do with River, but that sound completed a symphony for her and her heart soared as River’s chest heaved and her hips rolled, hard.
From that point on, every touch and taste and sound blended into one complete moment and filled Max with a sense of belonging she’d scarcely felt. River was still new, still relatively strange. But there was something about her that felt right and maybe that’s what had really scared Max. That someone so unknown could have such a powerful effect. And yet there they were. Together. A tangle of limbs, unable to pull apart.
Eventually it was silence between them, except for the gentle sighing of breaths. Max lay on her back with River’s head resting on her arm. She twirled some of the wild strands of River’s hair between her fingers, while River traced patterns over her stomach.
Max was testing how far she could stretch her hearing. She started with the brushing sounds of River’s fingers against her skin. Then the dripping of water somewhere within the building beyond the room they were in. Then the sounds of multiple voices even further out. Then the rumbling of car upon car. And there were boats. And birds. And some construction work somewhere to the east. She smiled to herself. There was so much out there.
“What is it?” River murmured.
“I can just hear so much. It’s pretty cool.”
“Told you it took getting used to.”
“Guess that’s the same with everything, huh?”
“You don’t even know the half of it yet. Wanna learn to fight as a wolf some time? Or, how to hunt? We can do that.”
“Woah, now. How about I just enjoy being able to hear everything in a 6 mile radius and you keep that bloodlust to yourself for a second?” Max laughed. She felt River’s smile against her arm. “Or, maybe we can talk about it over a drink?”
River immediately propped herself to look at Max in disbelief.
“Did you just ask me out on a date?”
“Well – I just – yeah. I did.”
River laughed. “We’re doing things a bit backwards aren’t we?” She went back to lying on Max’s arm and cuddled in a little tighter.
“So… is that a yes to the drink?”
“Well, obviously. But only if we can talk about hunting. You don’t even have to hurt anything, just going for a run in the woods is amazing.”
Max smiled. “Okay, it’s a deal.”
She pressed a kiss to River’s forehead. They returned to silence. Or, rather, as close to silence as it got for them. Max focused on the sound of River’s breathing in order to shut out the rest of the world’s noise and she let her eyes flutter closed.
“By the way,” River’s voice fluttered gently through, “you can call me Tulayna. That’s my name.”
The End.